Gabriella Ciaccio • Aug 5, 2021 • 3 min read
How Media Architecture Creates Solutions in Learning Environments

Media Architecture brings transformative depth to our everyday surroundings. While some Media Architecture is designed simply to add visually pleasing elements to a space, there is plenty of Media Architecture that is designed with the intent to show the experiencer something that she has never seen before. That is why Media Architecture is so perfect for the classroom. With this immersive tool at our fingertips, we can use it to better a student’s experience in the classroom and bring a new level of depth to learning.

While using Media Architecture in the classroom stimulates learning and growth, using this technology in other areas of a college campus can also result in positive experiences - for students, and everyone else who steps foot onto a college campus.

Bring Parts of the World to the Classroom

There is so much to see in the world, so why let location dictate what you experience? Students in the classroom can certainly benefit from having a deeper understanding of different places and cultures. Media Architecture has the ability to bring people and places to the classroom without any travel hassle. Students can learn about places that have never seen or heard of before and can gain experiences that they wouldn’t have without this technology. It’s important for people of all ages to have experiences in other places and learn other languages aside from what they grew up speaking. Showing students faraway places through Media Architecture will inspire them to go these places when possible and introduce them to different lifestyles, traditions and values. The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded all of us how vital it is to have in-person experiences, but also brought technology to the forefront. The end goal is always to have face-to-face interactions, but during times when that is not possible, Media Architecture is part of the technology that will continue to bring humans around the world together.  

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Media Architecture Inspires Creativity

Creativity is arguably the most vital aspect in any classroom. The ability to create solutions to problems, express oneself through art, and use the imagination to make a difference is what makes the world go round. Using Media Architecture to inspire students can boost creativity levels and spark new ideas. Media Architecture is so broad and the technology behind it can introduce students to faraway places, activate new communication in the classroom, trigger dopamine and adrenaline in the body, and spark emotions and thoughts that otherwise would not be present. With this technology that is intrinsically adaptable and responsive, the reactions that students can have are limitless and that is what makes Media Architecture such a versatile tool.  

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Hands-On Learning

Interactive Media Architecture requires voices and fingertips to make an impact. This hands-on learning approach is the driving force behind an effective educational experience and is proven to help students grasp what they are being taught. One study compared test scores of 8th graders who were lectured about water quality with students who built a water purification device. The students who went through active learning saw much higher test scores and improvement rates. Another study found that students who didn’t engage in hands-on learning were 1.5 times more likely to fail a course than students who did. By using Media Architecture in the classroom, curriculums and lesson plans will improve and students will perceive learning concepts in a whole new light.  

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Increase Admissions in Higher Education

Colleges and universities are always in competition with each other to increase their admissions. They have to stand out so that high school seniors want to apply to their programs. These schools also work hard to improve their campuses for the currently enrolled students. Media Architecture is a great way for schools to boost admissions of future students and to create excitement for their current students. Branding is a huge part of appealing to new students and their families, and Media Architecture is a design element that can be integrated with any part of a campus. When branding with Media Architecture, the options are endless, and creativity is the main point of focus. While using Media Architecture in the classroom stimulates learning and growth, using this technology in other areas of a college campus can also result in positive experiences - for students, and everyone else who steps foot onto a college campus.  

Using Media Architecture to inspire students can boost creativity levels and spark new ideas.
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Learning Shapes the Future

Today’s students are going to shape what our world will become. It is important to use the tools that we have to spark excitement in the classroom and allow students to make discoveries of their own. By using this tool in the classroom, we are opening the door to new opportunities and dreams that have been waiting to come to the forefront. And by using Media Architecture on college campuses in general, more potential students will be inspired to learn and to take part in their college experience.  

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