Corbett Inc. • Jul 9, 2020 • 1 min read
Setup Your Learning and Teaching Spaces At Home

Setup to connect

In the past few months, people's lives all over the world have changed ... especially schools. We want to help inspire teachers to setup their "at home" classrooms with the tools they need to stay connected with their students. Below we captured a learning landscape to help teachers keep students engaged while conducting a virtual lesson:

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When setting up your at home classroom:

  1. When setting up your at home classroom:
  2. keep clutter at a minimum
  3. use a whiteboard to help teach lessons
  4. incorporate plants for wellness
  5. use a chair with proper support
  6. make your schedule visible to all students

Find a space to stay engaged

20 million students across the country will experience a new classroom environment .... at home! Encourage students to find the perfect learning spot that will positively affect engagement levels and encourage a safe place for critical thinking independently:

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When setting up your at home learning space:

  1. setup near natural light
  2. add plants to your space
  3. keep your learning tools and supplies organized
  4. setup multiple ways to learn and stay comfortable
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